Loot Box Card List 9

The following is the Lootbox card list for the lootbox run to take place on September 17, 2021 at approximately 2000 GMT! We will accept DARK in this lootcrate! Yeah!

Start block: 19216300

Total cards: 1200

Total packs: 400

Polypunks: 40

PolyPudgyPenguins: 150

Rare cash cards: 30

Overall chance of rare card in pack: 55%

Entry price: Payable in DARK (pegged to 42 MATIC worth of DARK)

The assigned PolyPunks value was .0324 ETH, which was the average of the bottom 20 prices on OpenSea ("bottom 20 floor price"), which is $111.68 based on an ETH price of $3447.

So, we have $4,467 worth of PolyPunks and $11,325 in cash cards ($2265 per pile in 5 piles). We also add in 150 PolyPudgyPenguins valued at the mint price of 40 MATIC for a total value of $8040 at $1.34 per MATIC. This makes the total value per pack $59.58! The 42-MATIC price in USDC intends an expected value above 100%. This is possible because we created PolyPudgyPenguins, and so we make a profit on them by valuing them in lootcrates at mint price.

We believe there may also be an added source of value in additional Polypunk value in our distributed Punks. The Punks on offer are not always "base price punks": We have many that are expected to sell for above base price! So, we feel that we are providing a "value added service" due to the fact that we had the foresight to buy the Polypunks when they could be minted freely. Threfore, we feel that users may actually gain more benefits than the amount of money they put in, proportional to the extra Polypunk value in our batch!

Each entry receives a "pack" of 3 cards from the following list!

-Token type: The type of token. Duh.

-amountOrId: amount of ERC20 tokens the card gives, or NFT ID if an ERC721 (NFT)

-isRare: Whether the card is considered "rare." Each pack is limited to 1 "rare" card.

-Quantity: how many of this type of card in the overall deck

Last updated