
I'll need some information first

Just the basic facts

Can you show me where it hurts?

The following are answers to common questions. Enjoy!

I just woke up. Where am I?

This is Darkside Finance, Layer 3 in the yield farming platform by Sugandese Tokens! Our first two farms were PolyWantsACracker (LITHIUM) and Stadium Arcadium (MYFRIENDS & ARCADIUM). Unlike most layered farming systems, we do not transition between layers just because we failed. Instead, we change layers because we have developed a fundamentally new type of farming system that we are improving rapidly.

Our first layer, PolyWantsACracker (LITHIUM), became arguably the most successful yield farm ever throughout its entire lifespan solely on the promise of what our tokenized ownership system would be. Our second layer, Stadium Arcadium, was the first ever user-owned yield farm and blockchain platform! Because Stadium Arcadium's emissions are still in progress as this is being written, a full postmortem is not quite possible yet. But you are likely here because you are still interested. In that case, welcome, traveler, and good morning to you!

But how is this farm really different?

We are the first yield farm ever to implement a full-scale tokenized ownership system that directly distributes platform income proportionally to users without the involvement of a centralized fee wallet. We distribute 75% of deposit fees and 50% of all other platform revenues this way, and this distribution is ensured by the code. Therefore, our tokenized ownership system effectively serves as a technological rug-pull-proofing mechanism as long as the public's share of ownership tokens have been distributed and staked. Once that occurs, there is no way for the creators to run off with all of the deposit fees: the creators harvest their share of USDC from the dividend pool the same way as everyone else and have no access to others' share of the money.

Our system has a history of distributing huge dividends in terms of both amount and percentage! In contrast, in other yield farms' "dividend systems," a centralized person usually distributes a very small percentage of the farm's income using a staking pool for the farm token. This requires users to take complete principal risk by holding a single inflationary token, and such scammy setups never redistribute more than a tiny percentage of platform income. The few attempts at yield farming dividends that have gone beyond that were not well thought out, such as Augury Finance's weekly payout that resulted in a massive dump every Friday.

We hope you will join us and experience the only REAL dividends in shitfarming! A side-by-side comparison of our dividend system with others would show that the quality of our benefits exceeds anything else available in crypto. Furthermore, we believe that our benefits are superior to those granted by almost any real-world ownership setup, and therefore, we believe that this system may be adapted even to businesses outside of crypto. Because our system incorporates such important real-world concepts as ownership transferability, no special modifications would be necessary to use a system like ours as the ownership ledger of a real-world corporation.

Alright, well, now I want some tokens! How do I get them?

There are only two payment tokens for our Layer 3 (Darkside Finance) Presale: MYFRIENDS and ARCADIUM. These are the two native tokens of our Layer 2 farm, Stadium Arcadium. When you swap EITHER MYFRIENDS or ARCADIUM using the Layer 3 presale swap contract, you will receive BOTH Layer 3 presale tokens (PDARK and PCZDIAMOND) IN A FIXED RATIO. That is the only way to receive an allotment of Darkside Finance tokens before public liquidity is added.

I heard there was also a bonus for participating in the Layer 3 presale using ARCADIUM or MYFRIENDS. What bonus do I get?

That's right... there's more! All participants who swap either ARCADIUM or MYFRIENDS for Layer 3 presale tokens will additionally receive both ownership and farming tokens on the upcoming Stone Temple Binance, our first farm on the Binance Smart Chain! Layer 3 presalers on Polygon Network will also receive 50% of the Stone Temple Binance public presale tokens, to be sent out using our Refund Bot technology! The other 50% of the public tokens will be priced at $750k in the BUSD presale on Binance Smart Chain. Therefore, for the first time ever, our presale will yield FOUR tokens!

So how is Darkside Finance different from Stadium Arcadium?

  • Stadium Arcadium: designed to last only 2 weeks

    • Darkside Finance: designed to last a very long time, perhaps even permanently!

      • Lower overall token supply expansion rates proportional to supply

      • Half-lifed CZDIAMOND emission

      • "Mirror to the Moon" emission pattern retained

  • Stadium Arcadium: USDC dividend emission to dividend pool processed immediately

    • Darkside Finance: gradual USDC dividend emission

  • Stadium Arcadium: No external platform income

    • Darkside Finance: OTC contract, gambling contracts

  • Stadium Arcadium: Loot box contract not developed until the end

    • Darkside Finance: Loot box contract available for indirect buybacks

  • Stadium Arcadium: No NFT Staking

    • Darkside Finance: NFT Staking

That's all well and good, but how did your other farms do? What were the numbers?

We are happy to report that we are a rapidly growing farming system! Our first layer, PolyWantsACracker, showed consistent growth and achieved $17m TVL, with historically strong indicators. We peaked at over $4m native market cap, $2m native liquidity, and even $3m in native single staking. Our numbers for our second layer, Stadium Arcadium, which is the first user-owned yield farm, have been even better: we peaked at over $32M TVL and over $14m native market cap. Unfortunately, the USDC dividend experience in Stadium Arcadium was too front-weighted, but we have addressed that issue with gradual USDC dividend release in Layer 3.

That seems pretty good! But do you have any other plans?

Yes! Approximately 2 weeks after the launch of Darkside Finance, we will be launching our debut farm on Binance Smart Chain: Stone Temple Binance! Because we need funds to provide enhanced liquidity for two tokens, there will be a BUSD presale for Stone Temple Binance, but participants in the Darkside Finance native token presale will receive 50% of the public Stone Temple Binance tokens! Therefore, when you participate in the Darkside Finance presale by swapping either MYFRIENDS or ARCADIUM tokens during the swap period, you will receive 4 tokens: ownership and farming tokens on both Polygon Network and Binance Smart Chain!

Ser, wen AMA?

We are doing AMAs in multiple prominent groups:

These are two of the very best crypto investment groups on Telegram! Satoshi Street Bets is an incredibly well known community with over 100,000 members, and The Gem Hunters has been around FOREVER!!! They were actually one of the first ICO groups, and many of their members who have been in since the beginning have 100x'ed many times! We have visited both of these groups before, and we can't wait to present for them again!

Last updated