Presale Format

All participants who swap either ARCADIUM or MYFRIENDS for Layer 3 presale tokens will also receive both ownership and farming tokens on the upcoming Stone Temple Binance, our first farm on Binance Smart Chain! Layer 3 presalers on Polygon Network will also receive 50% of the Stone Temple Binance public presale tokens, to be sent out using our Refund Bot technology! The other 50% of the public tokens will be priced at $1.5mk in the BUSD presale on Binance Smart Chain. Therefore, for the first time ever, our presale will yield FOUR tokens!

Unlike Sugandese Tokens' previous presales on Polygon Network, the presale for Layer 3 (Darkside Finance) will accept ONLY the native tokens from our previous layer, Stadium Arcadium!

Payment tokens for Sugandese Tokens presales on Polygon Network:

  • Layer 1 presale (LITHIUM): MATIC

  • Layer 2 presale (MYFRIENDS and ARCADIUM): LITHIUM and USDC

  • Layer 3 presale (CZDIAMOND and DARK): MYFRIENDS and ARCADIUM

Yes, that's right: there will be NO USDC Presale for Darkside Finance! Therefore, your ONLY way of obtaining Layer 3 presale tokens is by contributing either MYFRIENDS or ARCADIUM during the Presale Swap Period!

You might be asking: "Well, if you aren't having a USDC presale, how are you gonna provide that famous 'enhanced liquidity', Kurt?" Well, that's a great question! Glad you asked. We are going to get the liquidity money by draining the MYFRIENDS and ARCADIUM Quickswap LP pairs. There should still be USDC and MATIC left in the LPs even after all consumers have withdrawn their liquidity because the team originally provided $375,000 USDC in liquidity. In addition, the ARCADIUM transfer tax has burned a large amount of ARCADIUM-MATIC LP tokens, which can also be drained. This will be the source of liquidity funds for both Layer 3 tokens. The amount raised will be positively associated with the proportion of tokens swapped.

The presale swap period will begin the block after Stadium Arcadium (Layer 2) emissions end, and then we will proceed according to the list of Presale Procedures!

Last updated