Deflationary Mechanics

The platform has several mechanics intended to bring about deflation and provide price support:

  • Deposit fee use

    • The deposit fee is set to 4% for all non-native pools

    • 1% is used to automatically automatically provide automated market maker (AMM) support for the DARK-MATIC liquidity pair

    • 3% is automatically converted to USDC and granted to CZDIAMOND stakers over an extended release period

      • This maintains the desirability of CZDIAMOND, creating a token sink

  • Transaction fees

    • There is a 6.66% base transaction tax on DARK token transfers, with the exception of whitelisted "non-Asshole" activities

      • 3% is used to provide AMM support for DARK liquidity pairs

      • 3% is granted to staked CZDIAMOND holders

      • 0.66% is burned

    • There is an additional 10% "Asshole Tax" (total: 16.66%) on sale transactions that dump on the DARK AMM LP, divided according to the above proportions

  • Fees for other platform services

    • 50% is used to provide AMM support for DARK liquidity pairs

    • 50% is granted to CZDIAMOND stakers

We can also provide a list of methods we do NOT use:

  • Harvest lockups (it's your money)

  • "Hodler bonuses"

  • Scammy APR boosters that you pay for

  • Basically any categories, tiers, or ways of treating people unequally

© 2021 Sugandese Tokens

Last updated