Transfer Tax Whitelist

Stone Temple Binance will be launching with a functioning OTC market! The OTC market is whitelisted from transaction fees, and so there will be no need to dump tokens on the AMM liquidity pools!

There is a whitelist that grants exceptions to PLUSH transaction fees. It covers the following purposes:

  • Staking/Unstaking

  • Adding and removing LP tokens (using our helper contract)

    • Our special helper contract must be used to obtain the exemption for adding/removing PLUSH LP

    • The helper contract will be linked on our website

  • Buying from AMM

  • Transactions both to and from team addresses

  • Claiming from the Presale redemption contract

  • And, of course, the OTC contract address

Selling PLUSH to the AMM liquidity pool is subject to an extra 10% Asshole Tax.

© 2021 Sugandese Tokens

Last updated