I'll just sit and grin
The money will roll right in
Token Symbol: LITHIUM (Polygon address: 0xfE1a200637464FBC9B60Bc7AeCb9b86c0E1d486E)
Max supply: 100,000 LITHIUM
30% Presale (30,000 LITHIUM)
7.5% initial liquidity, provided at 2x presale price ($10.00 x 7,500 LITHIUM = $75,000)
If the presale cap is not met, half of the presale funds will be used to provide liquidity at ≥1.5x presale price ($7.50/LITHIUM)
Any of this 7.5% that is not used for liquidity will be immediately burned
62.5% farmed at the rate of 0.10 LITHIUM/block (62,500 LITHIUM = 625,000 blocks ≈ 14 days @ 2 seconds/block)
No tokens minted to devs
No tokens for influencers, insiders, or any kind of dumping whatsoever
© 2021 Sugandese Tokens
Last updated
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